This is the first valentine's that I haven't received a bouquet of flowers from that somebody who normally sends one even if there's no occassion. But I don't really mind now. I received an unexpected email from a new friend whom I gave out some travel advice for his trip to Singapore. I'm just so happy I was able to help out and truly grateful that he remembered to greet me on Valentine's. So sweet. That's one heart-warming incident last weekend.
Another one was the expected call from that special person on the other side of the globe. Glad he also remembered sans the flowers je!je! And the usual greetings from my parents and other siblings. I guess I'm still my Mom's baby because she even texted me to ask how my Valentine's day went.
But for me, the most memorable of all was the gesture of 2 of my nephews. It was such a pleasant surprise they exerted efforts to give me the most beautiful flowers I've received so far even though they were just picked from their own garden.
It's just so heart-warming to know that these kids would do things to make their Auntie happy, not that I was not last weekend. It started as a joke when I kidded them that I'm a pitiful person because I don't have a date on Valentine's day and nobody's giving me flowers.
My 4 year old nephew kept on raising his right hand and telling me he's going to give me flowers on Sunday for Valentine's while his 12 year-old brother was just silent and kept on smiling. Lo and behold come Sunday before I left their house to go home, the two siblings fulfilled their promise to me.
At the end of the day, it's still your family you can rely on. At the end of the day you will realize .... Children really don't lie.