Tonight I took the shuttle in going home since I wanted to walk although I'm already tired. It's my exercise for the day. To start with, the line was quite long and so I waited for my turn. Behind me are 3 Korean teenagers joking around and talking loudly. I didn't mind them, I just kept on listening to Jack Jackson's serenade and waited for the shuttle service to Quiapo.
When it arrived, I took the seat in front but not next to the driver. I prefer to always seat by the window. When it was our turn to pay, the driver noticed that the Korean kids paid incorrectly. Instead of Php 90.00, he only got Php 60.00
He was trying to tell the kids but to no avail so the lady next to me translated in english what the driver wanted to tell them. Slowly and loudly the lady asked first how much they paid and told the kids that the fare is Php 30.00 each. After some time, the koreans understood and paid the remaining Php 30.00
After the kids alighted in the corner of Don Bosco school, the same lady commented that the Koreans are so loud and noisy and they are rude and all the negative things one can say about a person. That most Koreans are like that and have bad character. However she somehow took pride in saying his Korean friend, and took emphasis that he's a guy, is nowhere near the Kid's attitude and that he's kind unlike the rest of the Korean population.
I was just thinking, people are the same all over the world. I think people who think that way are small minded and discriminatory.
It maybe true that most of them are rude and loud and I myself experienced that in Starbucks one fine day but the truth of the matter is all nations have good and bad citizens. It's of no use to glorify one and lambast another.
It is just unfair.