Sunday, June 12, 2005


356 Days ago, these pictures were taken by a good friend of ours. This was the exact day I turned 29. Nine days to go and I'll be adding another year to my so called ' growing years '. I was blessed to have a fruitful year and am looking forward to bade it goodbye but I'm looking ahead to another blessing-filled year. Some people may question my description and might call me bluffing for I know it wasn't REALLY a rosy one if we're going to base it on the normal meaning of the word as per Webster. But still no matter what happend the past year, I consider them blessings in disguise for only during turbulent times you will truly know the character of a person and I thank GOD I was able to decipher peoples' intentions and actions before it's too late

Just want to share a thought which is part of a forwarded mail sent to me by a friend of mine. Here goes ...

" There's always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around."

Since my birthday is fast approaching I wonder what it's gonna be like this year? Hmmm ... I have no idea! All I know is that I LOVE SURPRISES ...

But ONLY the PLEASANT ones!

PeeK A BoO!


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